We create customized portfolios for individuals and families that include:
A comprehensive Financial Plan
Risk assessment
Annual review meetings
Quarterly statements
Web access
An Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
An annual cost review
All services are provided within the framework of our investment philosophy which emphasizes a low-cost and long-term approach to managing money.
We manage all types of accounts:
Traditional / Rollover IRA
Roth IRA
Individual / Joint accounts
The stakes for managing a defined contribution plan - such as a 401(k) - have never been higher. New and changing regulations, along with more complicated investment options and the ever-present threat of lawsuits make managing plans a challenge.
We provide your firm with:
A named Fiduciary under ERISA section 3(21) or 3(38)
A comparison of recordkeepers
Investment selection & monitoring
Fee analysis & benchmarking
Retirement plan participant advice & education
Documented fiduciary processes
While we can't entirely eliminate the workload or your legal responsibilities, we can significantly lighten them while also insulating you from legal actions. Our well-documented processes, acceptance of fiduciary duty with respect to your plan, and an industry leading focus on managing costs are ever more critical, especially in light of recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Labor (DOL) rulings.
For institutions that would rather focus on their core business, we offer outsourced investment capabilities.
Our long-term focused, strategic investment process utilizes a mostly indexed approach, with active investments rounding out portfolios where both appropriate and cost effective.
Your needs dictate whether you hire us as an advisor (non-discretionary) or investment manager (discretionary) or on a consultative basis.
For investment advisors specifically, we offer model portfolios built to your risk/return specifications. Services include:
Creating an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Asset allocation creation
Investment selection & monitoring
Implementing portfolio decisions (trading)
Risk management
Ongoing oversight
Performance reporting